The Rebirth Of African Civilization Pdf

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5-10-09 - DREAM - I was living in an apartment building, and my mother was Victoria Lord Davidson. (Victoria is the elder mother on 'One Life to Live - TV show) My friend Alyse came to visit, wearing a beautiful pink robe, but she came to complain that we had been talking about her to other people. I finally went over to her and shook her a bit and said, 'We are trying to help you!' So she would understand better what we do. Then my mother told her to take her stuff, which was in a paper bag, and 'Get out!' Note: Joe and I were discussing Alyse's religious beliefs a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't believe in dreams - she thinks they are evil of of Satan.

At that point, After Alyse left I went to my computer, and was looking at it. The screen was very large - probably 20 or more inches - and there were green images that were moving downward. I couldn't really recognize what they were, and the screen moving downward, and then a screen came to a standstill and I was shown the entire hierarchy of Reptilian beings which were royalty.

Viable African future, articulately puts forth in Black Africa: the economic and cultural basis for a Federated State, have caused us to lower our buckets into deep wells to find wisdom models for the reconstruction of a new African Civilization”.227, 229. Chancellor Williams, in, The Rebirth of African Civilization, (1993), advises. Aug 21, 2009 - 10 min - Uploaded by Queen Ifama UchefunaI want to share with you a piece of a book I am reading by Dr. Chancellor Williams.

The Rebirth Of African Civilization Pdf

They were all standing together like on a stage with the King () in the center. This drawing is similar to the reptilians in my dream and were dressed in robes of royalty, and their snouts (faces) were exactly like this one. This drawing was made by an abductee in a southern state. Evidently this abductee met a member of the Heirarchy like I did in my dream, though possibly in person, not a dream. (This drawing was submitted to me on 1-3-2013, and gratefully received. An accurate description is listed below the Arizona Wilder Video link below, along with who the Royalty is standing in front of the Reptilian Royalty which they shapeshift into. I thought to myself, 'I should really get this software so I get used to seeing them, before they come into real life for all of us!'

Then the screen turned to jewels that were all crystals like they were in a large cave - and I knew I wanted that software, so I went on and typed in, 'Software Jewels'. Instead of going to the site that sold the software, a whole program started that I had seen before - and it started playing automatically on my computer, except I tripped over the cord and became unplugged, and I lost the software program, and I knew I'd have to start all over again. I heard a scraping noise out in the living room, and I went to look what it was. There I saw my father, wearing a white robe, on his knees in front of a rectangular table in front of the window. He was scraping the old peeling paint off of it in preparation for repainting. Note: the table represents the earth plane.

Evidently, it needs remodeling. See dream below this one.

After I got dressed for the day, I went outside and saw my father standing on the dock of the bay where we lived, and he was hoisting three flags on the dock. I looked closely at the flags, and two of them were grey with a yellow diamond in one corner. I knew the third flag was green, but didn't see the design. I turned to walk across the yard, and some new plants were coming up in place of the grass that had been there, and when I turned to walk back across it, the plants had grown at least 10 inches, and I was now walking across a field of lilies - so thick it was hard to walk through them, but they were so beautiful, I knew I would always want those instead of grass.

But now, inside the house stood Dorian Lord, the nemesis of Victoria Lord Davidson, and the dream focused on her right eye - and zoomed in on her face as her right eye expanded hugely and it was coffee brown with no pupil in it. And I woke up staring at Dorian Lord's eye. 5-22-09 - NAP DREAM - I was living in our country house, cleaning the livingroom. The television was on in the background with the news on. I heard the announcer say, 'Apparently a young boy, about age 12, has been murdered in a Reptilian ritual way'.

But I had the vacuum cleaner going and I didn't hear where it was, and just kept cleaning. A few moments went by and I turned the vacuum cleaner off to move a piece of furniture and turned off the television which was blabbing in the background about some inane gaff the President had said and the announcer was laughing.

I heard a knock at the back door, which we used as our main entrance, and as I went toward the door, I could see through the door window, a large blue tractor with orange wheels parked in front of our garage doors. We didn't run a farm, so I didn't know why a tractor would be in our driveway.

When I opened the door, there was a very large man standing there. He was about six foot 8 inches tall, very wide, and had a greying/blonde crew cut for hair and a pleasant enough face but not smiling.

I opened the inner door and spoke to the man through the screen door, and merely said, 'Hello! Can I help you?' The man said simply, 'I'm here to see you about your son!' I answered, 'I have more than one son. They are playing outside with their friends!'

I opened the door and saw a group of boys and men at the end of the driveway, and I quickly counted them while pointing, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20'. I was getting upset now and said, 'What did he do wrong now??'

The man answered, 'We have found a 12 year old boy dead in your yard!' And I woke up instantly. Mind Control - Ritual Child Abuse - MKULTRA Videos that lay out the secretive agendas perpetuated by the CIA and military in mind-control operations, as well as the vast international network of protected child abuse/ritual sacrifice supported by elite secret societies CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE NOTE: I didn't hear the word Reptilian in this video, but it smacks of what goes on at Bohemian Grove which is listed below. And from what you read below, you will come to realize that Reptilians stand behind these politicians. The video tells about the abuse done to the boys who were taken from Boy's Town in Nebraska and flown to Washington D.C. Where unspeakable things were done to them in exchange for the drugs they were addicted to.

We cannot blame the boys for their addictions as the politicians in Washington D.C. (including at the White House) were given to these boys. Many of the boys were abused from about the age of 8, all the way up to 18 where the boys were used as sex slaves by the male politicians.

DREAM / VISION GIVEN TO ME BY JEHOVAH When Jehovah gave me a vision about Peace - he showed me that the only way Earth can ever achieve Peace - is to remove every human and animal and bug from the face of the Earth. How sad is that? But we never stop working to achieve that elusive wish for humanity. THE DREAM - Feb.

5, 2007 I looked out the window, and saw the countryside and a mountain in the distance. At the base of the mountain were many trees, cars, houses, trucks, and people. All of a sudden, a pure white arm came down from the sky - long and stretchy it seemed and its hand picked up everything off the earth but the mountain. There was nothing left. I woke up and the voice of JEHOVAH boomed into my left ear loudly - 'PEACE!!!' Reptilians WHAT DO THEY LOOK LIKE?

These physical descriptions are compiled from a large database on reptilian-human contacts. In some cases, the experiencer may recall only one physical characteristic of the nonhuman entity that was encountered. On the other hand, other people have vivid memories of their encounter and are able to provide detailed reports of the reptilian beings anatomy. The following is a compilation of these eyewitness descriptions for your review. Generally speaking, there are three basic reptilian physical types.

The Reptoid (reptilian-humanoid crossbreeds), the various reptilian-grey crossbreed types and the hierarchial reptilian overlords called the Draco (winged reptilian beings). Although the reptilian being species are divided into three basic types, there are physical features that are shared by almost all. These commonalties will be covered under the description of the Reptoid beings. Reptilian beings range from five and a half to nine feet in height. They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs.

They have long arms with three fairly long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth toe that is toward the back side of their ankle. The claws of their hands and feet are short and blunt.

They do not have teats on their upper torso and they do not have a navel. They have scaled skin that is usually greenish-brown in color. Some also have coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. The scales (or scutes) on their backs, thighs and upper arms are large.

Their hands, abdomen and face, are covered with smaller scales, allowing more flexibility. They have wide lipless mouths which contain differentiated types of teeth, including canines (fangs.) They have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that white with flame colored vertical slit pupils. Their heads are slightly conical in shape and have two bony ridges riding from their brow, across their back sloping skull, toward the back of their head.

Throughout history, these bony ridges have been misidentified as horns. There appears to be no bridge between their eyes. The nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation. Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings on the sides of their heads, but have noted that there is no fleshy part extending from this area. Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair.

Occasionally, experiencers will have observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, this physical feature is often misidentified as hair. (Even today, one can find lizards with these same fleshy spines under their chins.

They are called Bearded Lizards.) Reptilian beings are both tailed and tailless. The tails are differentiated in size and are held off the ground. Their posterior can be like either that of a human, with a vertical slit shielding an excretory orifice or it can be a rounded muscular area extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh region.

Experiencers have reported seeing reptilian beings with a combination of these posterior configurations. Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the torso. In the case of women who claim to have experienced sexual encounters with reptoids, the male reptilian beings are described as having a well endowed penis that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum.

Where the scrotum sack is located on a human, the reptilian male, apparently, has a firm, muscular bulge leading from the base of the penis to the underside of the torso. So, I've tried to compile the experiences in as concise a manner as possible. Hopefully this isn't too long. The experiences are listed below.

Stephanie, I'm very well aware that some of my experiences may brand me as, to say the least, whacked out. Sometimes, I seriously feel that way.

But as I've attested at the end of the entries I've listed here, everything that I've written HAS happened to the best of my knowledge. Too many things both my parents told my siblings and myself seem to corroborate much of what has happened to me. As for whether or not any of these same things have happened to any of my other brothers and sisters, I don't know.

While we DO talk about UFO's and abductions, and they do know of my claims, none have admitted to having the same experiences. Also, I must tell you that I was also sexually abused by my father and 4 other men by the time I was 18. Actually, my life has been much more. 'active' than these experiences might indicate. However, I sincerely do NOT feel that the incest or sexual abuse had anything to do with the abductions. Or rather, I wasn't so traumatized (though I WAS, certainly, traumatized by these experiences with my father and the others) that I blocked everything out. I was dissociative to an extent, but not to the point of having MPD or alters.

Social Psychology 2nd Canadian Edition Kassin Pdf Printer. Therefore, I do not feel as though I was trying to convince myself or anyone else that I'd been abducted by aliens when in actuality I'd been raped by my father. The fact is, both things happened. SIGNIFICANT ALIEN and RELATED ENCOUNTERS Kara Mildenhall Preface: Without going into lengthy detail of my life history, I feel that there are a few details which the reader might find relevant to the following material. 1) My parents met in approximately 1953/54 while in the Navy and attending a training school at Patuxant River, Maryland.

I found out several years ago that the Naval base that is located here is a top secret base, and that the ‘schooling’ is of a top secret nature. 2) Although my father claims he was ‘merely’ a pilot, my mother, who was a certified genius (and, I believe, an abductee, herself), was a cryptographer. 3) My father, after being discharged from the Navy in 1954/55, enlisted in the Air Force. From this point he/we were stationed at numerous AFB’s around the country and one in Great Britain. All of the bases to which he was assigned had/have some level of top secret clearance, and, in fact, it has been noted that there were UFO sitings at each of bases for which he received orders. 4) There is some (circumstantial) evidence that indicates that my father may not be my biological father and that I may have a. Different parentage.

Although, to my knowledge I have human blood. However, the manner in which this knowledge came to me suggests that there is something unusual about my conception and/or origins. • • • • • • • • • • • • CHITAURI Chitauri is a term of African Bantu/Nguni linguistic origin, used to describe shape-shifting reptoids, 'the family of the Serpent', believed to exist in parallel with man, 'the children of Adam'.

Though this theme is prevalent within the oral and written traditions of several cultures, the use of this word to describe this phenomenon is common in the work of Zulu elder Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa. The recent proliferation of this word into popular usage can be attributed to B.Sun and Nota, citizens of the Divided Kingdom Republic, primarily through their expansion of the word's use to encompass all facets of what they see as the synthetic non-reality of day-to-day 21st Century life. They allege that modern man, by succumbing to his 'Chitauri' instincts, is now trapped in a spiraling cycle of 're-creation,' in which he disassembles, and attempts to improve, a world he is not responsible for creating in the first place. Hence, by this thinking, 'modern life', particularly Western Civilization, including all its knowledge, routine, and even vocabulary, can be seen as 'Chitauri,' that is, a ball of nonsensical but elaborately constructed confusion. B.Sun and Nota, like Credo, generally assert that whichever way one looks at it, mankind’s current state of affairs is as a result of their being trapped mostly in enslavement to their 'Chitauri' instincts. As a result the world is imbalanced in favour of the reptoid nature, while the population is being conditioned to believe and accept that this state of affairs is the only possibility.

The Chitauri are a proposed race of intelligent, supernatural, or highly developed reptile-like humanoids in mythology, popular fiction, pseudoscientific theories and in the writings of New Age conspiracists. They appear in some conspiracy theories, most notably those of Riley Martin, John Rhodes, David Icke, and in science fiction. Reptoids, a conjoined word defining Reptilian-Humanoid beings, is the most popular name used to describe these cryptid beings, although some authors also refer to them as dinosauroids, lizardfolk or lizardmen. Other names include Draconians, Saurians and Sauroids. They are often described as being green or gold color.

Similar to the other cryptids, no one has produced proof of the existence of reptilian humanoids. FROM: Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.' - PSALMS 74:20 Some interesting stats are available publically - the Government (federal and/or federal and state) is the biggest landholder/owner in the states that the underground bases are purported to be in. Madura English Sinhala Dictionary For Phone Free Download here.

Top 10 ranked in order of% of state land owned (acres) by federal - states governments. Idaho - 65.2% 4 Idaho - 70.4% 5 Oregon - 55.5% 5 Oregon - 60.4% 6 California - 49.9% 6 Arizona - 56.8% 7 Wyoming - 49.7% 7 Wyoming - 56% 8 Arizona - 44.3% 8 California - 52.1% 9 Colorado - 38.9$ 9 New Mexico - 47.5% 10 New Mexico - 36.2% 10 Colorado - 43.3% Much of the US is honeycombed with naturally occurring caves and caves systems, sinkholes and abandoned mines - especially in the West - so it's not all that far-fetched when you think about it. Presented for your perusal is the whole mess, for your own conclusions. Underground Military Facilities... ANTARCTICA - An ancient hi-tech 'city' nicknamed 'Rainbow City' was reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late 1940's. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground 'rail' system with Rainbow City being the central hub. Antigravity craft are also reportedly being used by the researchers.

Source: THE HEFFERLIN MANUSCRIPT; RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE, by ANTARCTICA, NEU SCHWABENLAND - Reports of a massive joint Nazi-Alien base [network] called the 'New Berlin' facility beneath the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, constructed by Nazi ULTRA forces [note: 'ULTRA' is also the name of the Dulce New Mexico facility which also maintains strong 'Bavarian' connections. As in WWI, WWII, the Philadelphia project; and the current intelligence war between the anti-Grey COM-12/CABAL forces of Navy Intelligence and the pro-Grey MAJI/AQUARIUS forces backed by Nazi [NSA] Intelligence, Navy Intelligence once again battled 'Nazi' Intelligence during Operation Highjump in the 1950's under the command of Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd and 4000 elite Navy troops under the cover of a 'scientific expedition' with a massive military armada which made an all-out assault on the Nazi Antarctica battalions. The conflict ended in a stalemate, with losses on both sides. The New Berlin base - like the Dulce New Mexico facility and the Pine Gap Australia facility - is tied-in with an all.